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Eman H. Ismail


With a passion for challenge and a lifetime of achievements, I welcome you to my academic and my professional portfolio. Here, you will find my educational accomplishments, research, practice, and my services.

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About Me

I am an experienced professional and an academic in the field of dentistry. As a Saudi Arabian, a female, and a mother, journeying literally half way around the world to pursue my dream of becoming the teacher I aspired to be was a challenge that I took head-on. I am now on my way to achieve greatness and see that others achieve it as well through my passion for teaching. 

What good is knowledge if you do not pass it on to whomever seeks it? 

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My Journey

Nobody is born a professional at their industry-everyone who wants to be exceptional at something has to work hard at it, both through practical work experience and education. Read below for details on my education and past work experience.


2015 - 2019

The University of Iowa
College of Dentistry 
Iowa City, IA, USA

Completed my Doctoral education with excellence from the Oral Science Program. My Thesis topic was about the use of dental composites to treat broken teeth with the goal of improving outcomes in dental restoration procedures.
In addition, while I was at U Iowa, I obtained the following certificates:
"Graduate Teaching Certificate" 
"Student Accelerator (Business)" Certificate


2012 - 2015

Nova Southeastern University
College of Dentistry
Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

Master of Science in Dentistry, with a clinical specialty in Operative Dentistry

My master's thesis investigated the possibility of using a high percentage of a form of Vitamin C to enhance the adhesion properties of white composite fillings after the tooth whitening treatment.

My clinical training included intensive clinical training in minimally invasive as well as cosmetic dental treatments such as simple resin composite restorations, inlays, onlays, veneers, and implants crowns and 

KingSaudUniversity-450x450 (2).jpg

2000 - 2007

King Saud University
College of Dentistry
Riyadh , Saudi Arabia

Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry and Oral Surgery (BDS which is equivalent to DDS)

The first year of dental school was a preparation year where we studied basic science and spent mostly in the medical and the main campus buildings. Then, the following five years were spent in the dental college where we had hands-on training in laboratory work, simulation clinic, and real patients. The seventh and the last year was an internship training year where we treated patients and rotated in multiple dental centers.

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Current & Past Positions

2021 - 2023

Director of The Dental Research and Innovation Center 

Consultant in Restorative Dentististry, SIAGL private clinics

2020 - 2021

Head of The Dental Education Unit (a.k.a Faculty Development)

2020 - Present

Assistant Professor, Restorative Dentistry Division

Clinical Science Department (CDS), College of Dentistry

Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University


Lecturer, Clinical Science Department (CDS), College of Dentistry

Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University


I spent 8 years pursuing my dream of studying abroad. I spent one year in Toronto, ON, Canada, Then moved to Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, to obtain my master's degree and pursue a residency training program. Lastly, I moved to Iowa City, IA, USA to join the Ph.D. in Oral Science Program.


General dentist; serving in the topmost
private practices in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia:
Sigal Dental Clinics
Uranus Dental Center
Savvy Dental

Home: Past Events
Home: Schedule

Teaching Experience


Semester | Year


2022 - Present (Stream)

Course Director


Comprehensive Clinical Course (CDS 301)

Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University, College of Dentistry

2019 - Present 

Course Contributor

Pre-clinical Restorative Course (CDS 211 and CDS 311)

Dental Anatomy Course (CDS 111)

PDS 111,  CDS 411, PDS 500

Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University, College of Dentistry

2019 - 2022 (Stream)

Course Director

Dental Materials (CDS 241)

Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University, College of Dentistry

2016 - 2017 (Stream)

Teaching Assistant


University of Iowa; College of Dentistry
Operative Dentistry II OPER:8240:0800
Clinical Operative Dentistry

Summer 2016

Teaching Assistant 

(Teaching Practicum)

University of Iowa; College of Education
Educational Psychology and Measurement

Summer 2016

Teaching Assistant 

(Teaching Practicum)

University of Iowa; College of Education

Seminars in College teaching


Teaching Experience


Semester | Year



2015 - 2016

Teaching Assistant


University of Iowa; College of Dentistry;
Operative Dentistry I OPER:8122:0800
Pre-Clinical Operative Dentistry


Teaching Assistant 


Nova Southeastern University, College of Dental Medicine.
Integrated Restoratives Dentistry (Clinical)

Fall 2013

Teaching Assistance


Nova Southeastern University, College of Dental Medicine.
Advanced Esthetic Course (Pre-Clinical)


Teaching Assistant 


Nova Southeastern University, College of Dental Medicine.
Integrated Restoratives Dentistry (Pre-Clinical)

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"وماتوفيقي إلا بالله"


February 2019

Local AADR

I won the first place for Operative Dentistry Graduate Dental Specialty Award at the Iowa section of the American Association for Dental Research (AADR) and Iowa institute for oral health research.

October 2019


I won the prestigious VITA Award for Research Excellence" for poster presentation at the Society of Color and Appearance Meeting (SCAD), Newport Beach, CA, USA.


May 2014

Chief Resident

I was awarded the Chief Resident Award for my leadership role during my "Operative Residency Training" at the College of Dentistry at Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA.

April 2013

Best Poster Presentation

I was the runner up for "International Poster Competition Award", clinical presentation category at the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, Orlando, FL, USA

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Research Funds



Fast Track Funds


Deanship of Scientific Research, PNU

 Research Project Funding After Publication Program

Grant No (43-PRFA-P-14).

October  2018

Travel Funds

I was fortunate to receive $750 travel funds to present part of my Ph.D. research results in one of the most elite international meeting "The Society of Color and Appearance in Dentistry" in Orange Country, CA, USA. The funding was through the Graduate Student Senate, Graduate College, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA.

August 2016

Exceptional Achievement

My advisor and I were so gratefule to have had received a $2,500 Faculty innovation grant, National Science Foundation (NSF) to fund our Dental-i Project. Rodrigo Rocha Maia (PI), EmanIsmail (Co-PI). 


October 2013

Master's research fund

I received $4,626 to support my master's thesis research project entitled "Health Profession Davison Research Grant, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, for master's research project. Eman Ismail (PI) Cristina Garcia-Godoy (Mentor) 


Home: Projects

Research Publications


“The effect of varying dentin chroma and enamel thickness on color of A2 double-layered resin composite”, Ismail EH, Dawson D, Matteos V, Skiff F, Brogden K, Maia RR. Oper Dent 2022 Dec 15. DOI: 10.2341/21-138-L.​


“Color adjustment potential of resin composites: Optical illusion or physical reality, a comprehensive overview” Ismail EH, Paravina Rade. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2021 Nov 29.

DOI: 10.1111/jerd.12843. Epub ahead of print.

“Color interaction between resin composite layers: An overview” Ismail EH. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2021 Dec; 33(8):1105-1117. DOI: 10.1111/jerd.12806. PMID: 34255406.


“A novel sample design for determining color compatibility between layered resin composite and vita shade guides”. Ismail EH, Dawson DV, Maia RR. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2019;1–9. 12530


“Effect of Two-minute Application of 35% Sodium Ascorbate on Composite Bond Strength following Bleaching”. Ismail EH, Kilinc E, Hardigan PC, Rothrock JK, Thompson JY, Garcia-Godoy C. Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice. 2017;18(10):874-80.


"Arthroscopy vs. Arthocentesis: A retrospective study of disc displacement without reduction" Hobeich J, Salameh Z, Ismail E, Tashkandi E, Almas K. The Saudi Medical Journal (SMJ, Oct 2007,28:1541-1544).

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Home: Past Events

Research Presentations

I take pride in my work as a clinician and a researcher, hence, I traveled nationally and internationally to present my work. It's a great opportunity to get feedback and expand my network.

June 2022

“Comparisons between A1-A4 double-layered composite and two shade-guides” Ismail EH, Dawson D.V., Maia R.R. Presented as an “interactive talk” at the 100th General Session and Exhibition of the International Academy of Dental Research (IADR/AADR), all virtual-experience.

October 2022

“Resin composite layering: why is it unpredictable?” Oral Presentation at the annual Saudi Society of Restorative Dentistry, all virtual

October 2018

“Shade correlation of dental composites with variant enamel layer thickness and two VITA shade guides” Ismail E.H, Maia R.R., Dawson D.V. Presented as a poster presentation at the 10th Society of Color and Appearance Meeting, Newport Beach, CA, USA.

March 2022

“The Intra-professional Relationship Among the Dental Team: A Qualitative Study” Ismail EH, Otaibi OQ, Buriak N, Aldulaijan A, Aljohany R. Poster presentation, American Dental Education Association (ADEA), Philadelphia, PA, USA.

February 2019

“Effect Of Dentin Chroma On The Color Of Double-Layered Resin”. Ismail E.H, Dawson D.V., Maia R.R. Presented as an oral presentation at local AADR at the College of Dentistry, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA.

June 2019

“Effect Of Dentin Chroma On The Color Of Double-Layered Resin”. Ismail E.H, Dawson D.V., Maia R.R. Presented as an oral presentation at the 97th/48th General Session and Exhibition of the  International Academy of Dental Research (IADR/AADR), Vancouver, BC, USA. 

January 2017

"Cervical partial veneers for treatment of severe non-carious cervical lesions (NCCL)”. Ismail E.H. Presented as a poster presentation at the 28th Saudi Dental Society International Dental Conference, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

February 2009

"Energy Drinks erosive potential”, Ismail E.H, Al-Howaish L., Khounganian R. Presented as a poster at the AEEDC, Dubai, UAE.

September 2013

“Treatment plan options of discolored single central incisor. Understanding the decision-making process. Oliveira-Haas L., Dutra K., Ismail E.H., Hardigan P. Presented as poster presentation at the 5th annual meeting of the Society of color and appearance in Dentistry (SCAD), Denver CO, USA.

March 2014

“The effect of 35% sodium ascorbate on microtensile bond strength of composite resin immediately after bleaching”. Ismail E.H., Kilinc E., Rothrick J., Thompson J.Y, Garcia-Godoy C. Presented as a poster at the AADR the 43rd annual meeting, Charlotte, NC, USA.

April 2014

“Ultra-thin partial veneers and ceramic inlays for treatment of severe non-carious cervical lesions (NCCL)”. Ismail E.H, Oliveira-Haas L., Shlinchting L.H, Sadati S. Presented as a poster presentation at the 30th Annual American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry Scientific Session. Kissimmee, FL, USA.

April 2016

“Comparison of light propagation in dental tissue and resin based composite by Green and Blue laser”. Brantman K, Maia R.R, Qian F., Ismail E.H. Presented as a poster presentation at the 45th AADR, Los Angeles, CA, USA

April 2017

“Single anterior veneer; Less is more!”. Ismail E.H, Oliveira-Haas L., Shlinchting L.H. Presented as a poster presentation at the 33rd Annual American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry Scientific Session. Las Vegas, NV, USA

April 2018

“The effect of biofilm challenge on composite discoloration” Ismail E.H, Algamaiah H., Teixeira E., Maia R.R., Banas J., Vargas M. Presented as a poster presentation at the 47th AADR, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

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"Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence"
~ Ted Key

These are partial cervical ceramic veneers fabricated using (IPS Empress) for treating a patient with multiple cervical non-carious lesions (NCCLs). This was the treatment of choice after a thorough consideration of the patient's condition and the available materials and restorative techniques.  

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Get in Touch

Interested in learning more about me, my work or how we can collaborate on an upcoming project? Feel free to reach out anytime, I would be more than happy to chat.

College of Dentistry Building 

Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University

Office no: 2.418.08

PO Box 84428 | Riyadh 11671

Saudi Arabia

Office: :+966 11 82-40974

Mobile: +966 5544-78908

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